The Lounge

If you’re planning an event and don’t need the capacity of our Main Banquet Hall, consider using our Lounge.  It is the perfect size for business meetings, small gatherings or parties.  It too is wi-fi accessible and accommodates up to 60 people.


  • Saturdays, $150.00
  • Weekday, $150.00.
  • Day before to setup $50.00
  • Wi-Fi accessibility available upon request

Optional Services:

  • Lounge Cleanup Service - $25
  • Bartender Service (pre-mixed drinks)
    2 required for Main Banquet Hall - $8/hr
  • Bartender Service (mixed drinks)
    2 required for Main Banquet Hall - $9/hr


Our Mission

Knights of Columbus are Catholic gentlemen committed to the exemplification of charity, unity, fraternity, patriotism, and defense of the priesthood. The Order is consecrated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Order is unequivocal in its loyalty to the Pope, the Vicar of Christ on earth. It is firmly committed to the protection of human life, from conception to natural death, and to the preservation and defense of the family. It was on these bedrock principles that the Order was founded over a century ago and remains true to them today.